Time is not correct in osTicket
Located in Jacksonville, Florida - using setting for Daylight Savings time checked, using "GMT -5.0 Eastern Time (US and Canada) Bogota, Lima", checked server is only few minutes off, but osTicket...
View ArticleReopen tickets
How to allow repoen the closed tickets from user endThanks and regardsMuthukumar
View ArticleDepartment Category & Help topics in User Login
Hello All,I have configured OSTicket and I have automated with email. we have multiple department. so when the user log in using web portal to raise a ticket. They are unable to select the department....
View ArticleI need create variable for e-mail
Hi people !! This is my first post and my english is so bad :P but i need your help.in my project with osTicket started using it internally. The problem now that I have is that I would like to put in...
View ArticleUser profile after account creation
Hello,When a user signs up for an account, he ticks the box 'agreed with terms and conditions' even though when I look into the user profile this tickhas been disabled.How can I resolve this...
View ArticleOpening ticket take too long after support email configuration
Hi,After I configured email SMTP, Tickets creation takes 9 to 13 seconds but when the pages updates its gives :ticket created 9 seconds ago". Means the page loading is taking long.Is there any way to...
View ArticleAdding a deleted Admin user back to Staff
Version - v1.9.3 (bba9ccc)Appache Version - Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/5.4.16I created a Staff Admin user, just after we restored a backup of osTicket due to a different issue, we did not catch that the...
View ArticleAdding another field to the dashboard
I am new to osTickets and need some help. I have created a new field called escalated which is a checked box. I would like to add this new field to the field of items that are displayed on the...
View ArticleNeed agent to see his all closed tickets
Hi,Can someone help me to enable the closed tickets visible for an agents osticket versions: 1.10 RC2
View ArticleRequired fields more obvious
Hello osTeam,Just had a quick suggestion regarding the required fields when creating a ticket. I have had quite a few colleagues say that the small red asterisk and bold font isn't obvious enough for...
View ArticleSet "Post Reply" to "Do not send Email" for certain Users
Hi,it would be great if one could change the behaviour of the "To" Field at "Post Reply" to "Do not Email reply for certain users. My Collegue and I often open Tickets ourselfes so that we can keep...
View ArticleAttachment in the database or filesystem?
Here is my SetuposTicket Versionv1.9.12 (19292ad) — Up to dateWeb Server SoftwareApache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)MySQL Version5.6.30PHP Version5.5.9-1ubuntu4.16 We use this system for our Purchased Orders....
View ArticleSMTP: STARTTLS failed SOLUTION!!!
For those of us for experienced this issues, its a bitch to say the least. But with the all mighty power of google there is a solution. Downgrade from php5.6 to 5.5. As @ntozier pointed out to me its...
View Article[resolved] how to stop getting alert message when user type wrong password
how to stop getting alert message when user type wrong password .
View ArticleAssigning Ticket Queues
My Tool Version: 1.9.12Issue Desc:I logged a Ticket (User) - Auto assigned to a Team A - Person 1 (Team A), Person 2(Team A) logged in and they could see the ticket in Open Queue. Presently Ticket is...
View ArticleEasy Editing of Ticket Data
Hi,I thought it would be a good idea to have drop-down menus in the Ticket Overview rather than having to edit the ticket data by clicking the "Edit" button. This should also make all custom form data...
View ArticleOpen A New Ticket page - how to configure
Okay, I have clicked everywhere and getting NOWHERE. I want to add custom forms for the open a new ticket page but for the life of me I can't figure out where I would add the forms to the Open A New...
View ArticleCollaborators Section
Hi Experts,I've been trying to look for the code to modify the Collaborators section.I'm trying to change the UI into outlook style.Where users can directly insert the email instead of clicking "Add...
View ArticleShow relevant tickets
Hi, How to show relevant tickets from end user side, my all ticket submitters are guestsis it possible to show relevant tickets for usersthanks and regardsMuthukumar
View ArticleForgot Password - Reset Email Not Received
Version: V 1.9.12I have configured the SMTP email settings and it is working fine. I receive the Alert mail properly and everything seems to be fine.When I click on the Forgot Password Link and give...
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