Export All Tickets at once By "Export All"
Hi AllHow can I Export All Tickets at once by "Exporting All Tickets". Right now it is Exporting current page tickets by clicking All. By this functionality I have to go to each page and Export it. By...
View ArticleOpen a New Ticket always returns "500 Internal Server Error" (Invalid CSRF...
Just setup a new installation of v1.9.12 (19292ad), made some changes to Forms > Ticket Details.Now on EVERY "Open a New Ticket", irregardless of the user, I get the generic "500 Internal Server...
View Articlewhy can't i sort by department?
the previous version of osTicket, I edited the code to expand the width of the table to like 1200. I added department so I could sort by department.I've upgraded to XXXX.12 or whatever yall are at...
View ArticleVideo Embed in Replies
I want to embed the videos in the replies to the tickets, but it only allows me to embedd the video from YoutubeI want to embed the videos from tune.pk
View ArticleAttachments from URL
Hi guys, we use email-piping to create new tickets. Now I'd like to know if it is possible to have files, whose URL is displayed in the email body attached to the ticket? These files are not attached...
View ArticleAbertura de Bilhetes muito lenta
Prezados.Recentemente esbarrei com hum Problema Que estava incomodando Muito, e pesquisando Aqui no fórum, Não encontrei Uma RESPOSTA satisfatória ...Ao abrir um novo bilhete, o processo demorava mais...
View ArticleHelp topic and sub-topics
Currently if you have sub-topic when you clock drop down it would be presented as " topic name / sub-topic". It would be great if once user selects Help topic, new drop down will show up with sub...
View ArticleReply send status
Hello,I have feature request related to agent reply sending status...Some times people call and say that they did not received answer for their requests, but answer was provided and does exists in...
View ArticleTicket-Filter / E-Mail templates
hi guys, any chance to use specific email templates for specific ticket filter settings? thanks for your help!
View ArticleChange trigger on SLA function
i'm running 1.9.12 and would like to know if it is possible to chnage the trigger on the SLA function. now it runs only when a ticket has been appointed, and gives an email alert when the set time has...
View ArticleAccount Information form
I'm having a strange issue. The "account information" form is not showing up under the "profile" on the client side. It's just blank. Registered users are now unable to change their details or...
View ArticleLogin Integration with ASP.NET Identity or API or Database
Hi everyone!I have an asp.net system and I would like to use osTicket as help desk. Both are under the same domain name, like: system.mydomain.com and www.mydomain.com/helpdeskI would like that my...
View ArticleAPI Specifications
Anyone know what the API can do? Are there any functions that can be called? Can we create our own functions?
View ArticleMapped out Osticket MySql Data 1.10rc2
I have a few SELECT Query's that I use to get the data I need from osticket for a varity of things.Anyone interested?
View Articleword wrap in German
Hi all,I installed the German language-pack and noticed that there is a strange word-wrap in the menu - see screenshot. Is that intentionally?RegardsBastian
View ArticleParse # in Ticket # update
This is a very trivial request so I understand if it's frowned upon.But currently if you copy and paste a ticket number from an email that is sent to the end user... typically you get a # on the front...
View ArticleHide guests from agents
Hello,It will be grait to assign agent to special organization and disable view and serch other guests, organizations. or do this thing with groups or departments.I mean agent can view only his...
View Articledisabling transfer and assignment comments
Hi, can anyone please help. I tried disabling the requirement to add a comment when transferring a ticket to another department according to the suggestions at this link,...
View ArticleAnwer to ticket from agent send the e-mail
Hello,Is possible send answer to tickets from the agent - directly sending the e-mail with answer ?RegardsJaro
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