Hi, can anyone please help. I tried disabling the requirement to add a comment when transferring a ticket to another department according to the suggestions at this link, http://osticket.com/forum/discussion/9529/help-with-disabling-transfer-and-assignment-comments, but it doesn't seem to be working for me. I am running Osticket v.1.9.12.
The suggestions were to comment out the lines below in /scp/tickets.php:
For assigning tickets:
// $errors['assign_comments'] = 'Assignment comments required';
// $errors['assign_comments'] = 'Comment too short';
// $errors['assign_comments'] = 'Assignment comments required';
// $errors['assign_comments'] = 'Comment too short';
For transferring tickets:
//Transfer message - required.
//$errors['transfer_comments'] = 'Transfer comments required';
//$errors['transfer_comments'] = 'Transfer comments too short!';
So I'm thinking the above lines don't affect the department transfer comment requirement?
Thanks for your help.