the previous version of osTicket, I edited the code to expand the width of the table to like 1200. I added department so I could sort by department.
I've upgraded to XXXX.12 or whatever yall are at now.I'm not going to decipher your code anymore. I just bought a new ticket system. Why would you not think department is something important to sort data by?????
I don't care who it's assigned to...they'll handle it.
"department" tells me the stage the item is at...
my techs sign in and they have tickets in front of them but they don't know the stage at which those tickets stand..... so are they supposed to click on EVERY SINGLE ONE so they can check every day? I have 40 - 120 new tickets every day.
When are you guys going to allow us to choose the "columns" to display?
I don't care who the ticket is from.... I care whether or not it has been handled.
why did I just have this Bi%$ch session? Is there a method in place to allow me to add "department" as a sorting method to the "open" ticket que when an agent first logs in?