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Must edit due date or time or cannot go forward with editting a ticket

Hello all, 

I am using version 1.9.12 in production right now. Many times a ticket needs to be edited - the title or help topic or w/e - but no matter what it is, if the due date or time is not modified, we get the error 'Unable to update the ticket. Correct the errors below and try again!'.


In the file tickets.php I found a switch statement that has this action to take when a ticket is edited or updated:and bolded the part that confuses me. I think it means "if there is no error, errors['err'] = __('Unable to .....');

case 'edit':
        case 'update':
            if(!$ticket || !$thisstaff->canEditTickets())
                $errors['err']=__('Permission Denied. You are not allowed to edit tickets');
            elseif($ticket->update($_POST,$errors)) {
                $msg=__('Ticket updated successfully');
                $_REQUEST['a'] = null; //Clear edit action - going back to view.
                //Check to make sure the staff STILL has access post-update (e.g dept change).
            } elseif(!$errors['err']) {
                $errors['err']=__('Unable to update the ticket. Correct the errors below and try again!');


I tried removing this, resulting in no error message but the due date still causes the issue and resets even though I made sure the original due date was in the future.

My agents are getting annoyed that they have to change the due date every time. I will do some more investigating but if anyone has a suggestion let me know :)


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